Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Won't SOMEONE think of the Tupperware?

Sometimes it feels good (or is absolutely necessary) to bring a little order into an otherwise chaotic life. With this in mind I just resolved to tackle that terrifying, hard-to-reach corner of my kitchen cupboards that houses my collection of plastic food receptacles. These range from worth-their-weight-in-gold Tupperware (all vanished) containers to bulk-purchased cheap-arsed plastic takeaway boxes of all shapes and sizes.

What I found was absolutely mystifying. When I finally managed to exit the cupboard on hands and knees and survey my stash I found that I had precisely 55 lids and precisely 11 containers. Of those lids and containers I had precisely 3 matches.

To prove that I really do Shit You Not, I took a photo, and here it is. Actually, I took 2 and here they both are.

How. Does. This. Happen?

I can understand the occasional container being sacrificed to the Gods of Playdough, Roughhousing and Occasional Microwave Disasters, but for the love of all that is decent, how did 44 containers vanish? Perhaps (thinking outside the square here) they didn't vanish at all, but never existed, and there's some strange lid-breeding programme going on in my cupboard resulting in multiple births of new and exciting containerless lids?

Whatever it is, I want my containers back. Or my lids gone. Or more matches. Or at the VERY least - a scientific explanation.


PS - Ignore dirty floor. It's, erm, just the lighting...


PinkPatentMaryJanes said...

Oh I wish I could gasp in horror rather than nod in agreement. The messy breakups between tupperware container and lid apparently always ends up with one of them storming off to another household, while the other brings in their new boyfriend/girlfriend and breeds like rabbits.

Surely that's the only logical explanation.

Anonymous said...

Tupperware is a serious business. Damn stuff runs riot if you let it!!!!

So Now What? said...

One of lifes mysteries. The real deal tupperware is like gold too. My mum got a beetroot container fully replaced and it was about 25 years old. As much as I loathe a tupperware party, my happy chopper certainly makes me happy. :)

Sparkly Tiara said...

I don't know whether I'm glad this happens to others or more scared of a sneaky underworld plot for world domination by invisible lid-breeders...

Unknown said...

I was tempted to go try this as well, but my floor actually is dirty, so I think I will pass.

Sparkly Tiara said...

Who are these People Who Post Comments In Another Language? Spambots?

Unknown said...

Hi Tara,
Saw your blog on Aussie Mummy site.
But anyways, the lids vs bases argument was well and truly alive at our house on the weekend.
My wife said I have an autism-related condition where I deliberately throw out all the lids to avoid situations like you have had.
OK, am going to guest post this on my blog too, if thats ok, have a look at http://merewether-life.blogspot.com

Lee said...

There's an under-the-cupboard Tupperware troll you don't know about.

He eats matching sets for lunch, spits them out, and replaces them with mismatched cheapOMG plasticware from the $2 shop.

But I have a solution!

Sell *ALL* your tupperware and buy glass storage jars instead (like the ones in the photo at the bottom of this post).

I did this, sold the Tupperware and troll on TradeMe, and life is so much better.

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